Rules to play
Players must abide by the following codes of conduct outlined below.
The use of the chat only for relationship in game. Advertising, attacks, offenses, phishing, offensive statements, spam, violations of laws, condoning crimes, personal attacks, attacks on the game, the team, encouraging errors, bugs, violation of rules, third-party and/or personal data are prohibited. , bug abuse, use of unauthorized software. The chat is for in-game interactions, any outside context is prohibited, in any language and situation. Have a good conduct with other players, your party and even enemies (of your clan).
Bug abuse and cheating A bug is a clear error and in view of some action that should not happen in the game, it is something visible and that gives an illicit advantage against other players and / or harms the game. The use of a bug and not reporting it to the ADM, Supporter or other communication channel is a serious violation and not tolerated. Cheating, such as using unauthorized software to gain advantage, is also not tolerated. In case of any error found, communicate through some communication channel. We also give rewards for finding bugs within the game, the reward is given for confirming a bug and the first report about it. Bug use statements, even false ones, can result in punishment.
Against the game and the team Statements against the game, false information, agitation against, slander, direct attacks, offenses against players and community decisions are not tolerated because in addition to harming the progress of the game itself, it harms other players. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, do not confuse opinion with accusations, attacks, offenses and unfounded information. Impersonating a team member is also frowned upon and carries sanctions against the user.
Violate applicable laws or rights of third parties Laws are different sometimes from each region, violating applicable current laws or terms of the game is punishable, you agree to the terms of use of the game and good conduct by registering, logging in and using the game, tokens, tools . of punishments Punishments against any violation can be mild or severe, followed below Just an alert in the message box. Strike, upon receiving 3 Strikes your account is suspended for 15 days Punishment, your account is suspended for 30-60 days Banning, your account is deleted with all offchain data and prohibited from creating a new one with the same address. We are creating monitoring tools and adding team members to support players. The reporting functions are under development within the game, using the reporting tools incorrectly and fraudulently is also subject to punishment. We want a healthy, solid and strong community for good coexistence and growth. The terms may change, in case of changes an alert on the site will be sent, and the player can decide to continue or not according to the changes, but when there are changes, the player agrees that he has read and will follow them for the good progress of the community.
Last updated